Road Resiliency

SECS® Onshore modules protect roads and bridges and diminish the effects of fast water flooding.  The innovative design prevents over-topping preserving roadways and backfill.

SECS® modules reduce the erosion and deterioration of pilings caused by incoming waves. Installing the pier/bridge pilings directly through the openings in our customizable SECS® Dual-Sided Offshore Modules reduces the required number of pilings while increasing the strength and durability of the structure. Considering the reduction in the cost of required pilings, decreased piling installation time, increased strength and durability of the pier/bridge, and reversing the effects of erosion, SECS® modules can pay for themselves.

Hurricane Resistant and Value Engineered Pier & Bridge Infrastructure

Beach Resiliency

Shoreline Erosion Control Solutions plays a vital role in enhancing the effectiveness of beach nourishment projects by retaining sand on the beach.  The modules promote the natural transference of sand and sediment so even when the winds blow, lost sand is returned to the beach ensuring longer-lasting and more sustainable beach preservation.

Railroad Resiliency

SECS® saves your railroads! Passenger, cargo, military, and other government train tracks are eroding in coastal areas across the United States in rapid fashion. When tracks are shut down, cargo and passenger trains come to a halt, costing thousands of dollars in increased supply-and-demand pricing and lost or delayed goods. SECS® provides a cost-effective, timely solution to this problem.

Property Resiliency

Erosion causes property loss and undermines the stability of building foundations, leading to complex structural issues and environmental degradation. 

SECS® can design a customized solution to refract and reflect wave energy which protects properties from erosion and secures valuable investments while enhancing their aesthetic appeal.

Shark Proof Lagoons

SECS® modules can be used to create shark-proof lagoons, enhancing safety, boosting tourism and increasing recreational opportunities in coastal communities. Our solution delivers effective erosion control while enclosing aquatic areas to mitigate shark intrusion and preserve marine ecosystems.